


YWP Alumni Advisor


  • Guest Room

    There's a stranger
    in my house. 
    She takes a seat at an 
    invisible chair and 
    stares me down. 
    "You're lonely," she says, 
    twirling a piece of hair around her 
    hazy fingers. 
  • Smudged

    I feel smudged, 
    like blue words highlighted in pink.
    Your unapologetic ink. 

    I feel sketched, 
    like the lily in my notebook. 
    Blurred lines in lead. 

    I feel wobbly, 
  • Anyone in Burlington

    While walking through Burlington, 
    I imagine myself as anyone. 

    I could be a single mother pushing
    a stroller with one hand, 
    headed toward Lake Champlain
    to find at least some solace
  • Closet

    My suitcase is beginning to claim
    a layer of dust on its surface, 
    and I hate it. 
    I hate that I haven't pulled on my shoes 
    and jacket and marched to a new place in ages-

  • "Hey, Iris, How Are You?"

    I'm in the mood to pour gasoline onto
    lit matches. And by that I mean 
    I'm in the mood to scream my lungs 
    out, to feel the tears on my face evaporate
    into salty air. 

    I'm in the mood to destruct a