


15 years old


  • Wishes

    blow on the dandilion
    and spread the seeds
    to those who need to heal
    i am still young
    and i could wish for
    and riches
    but i just want people
    to heal

    blow on the dandilion
    and spread the seeds
  • Keep Up Hope

    No one was safe
    from the calling
    that came
    when it all
    there was chaos
    the problems
    were endless
    and no one
    was finding the answer
    we searched
    for the key
    to the door
    of safety
  • Home

    under the shelter of my roof
    i have whispers of memories
    that breathe in my ear
    each time i pass through
    the hallway
    nothing matters
    when i sit under the roof
    beside the fire
    and let the crackling warmth
  • everyone belongs

    no one here
    is alone
    everyone is under
    a roof
    and is home
    in a place
    of love and family
    they need not worry
    when the storm comes
    and thrashes at the windows
    and tugs at the foundation
    of home
  • Friendship

    We drew in the dirt,
    putting together letters
    and making a code.
    Our friendship was forged
    in spit on the dirt
    beneath 'Our Tree'
    in the hole that was dug
    by some fifth-graders
    last year.
    We made inside jokes