


15 years old


  • Home

    Under the shelter of my roof
    I curl into blankets
    the dog licking the tips
    of my uncovered toes
    80's music playing on the stereo
    and an empty popcorn bowl by my side
    moonlight flickers across the pages
  • Time

    I remember when
    I was lying in bed
    saying I'd never fall asleep
    I remember yesterday
    when I thought online school
    would never end
    I remember last year
    when I thought 2020
    would never come
  • Inspiration

    she stares through the window
    which is checkered in thumbprints
    the chair creaks
    as she leans back,
    heaves a great sigh,
    and watches the clouds
    No inspiration today 
    she thought
  • Broken Reflection

    shattered pieces
    of a glass mirror
    scatter the wooden floor
    I look down
    and see my broken reflection
    staring back
    only pieces of me
    are left
    an echo of pain
    comes back
    and I fall to my knees
    still staring
  • War

    ashes drifting from the
    blade that makes skin
    crawl with fear as the
    dread fills you
    eternally, a sense of
    forbidding is undeniably
    ghosting through us.
    haunting the battlefields, we are