Daphne Linn

Daphne Linn


17 years old


  • chameleon

    she’s a chameleon

    always pleasing someone

    changing herself for them

    new colors to become


    she’s a good shapeshifter

    born to be a drifter

  • paranoia

    they’ve been together for ten years

    and he hasn’t taken a knee

    they’re both consumed with their fears

    scared of something no one can see


  • a letter

    just last week I told you

    I worried about us

    you said, “you don’t have to,

    you’ll always be enough”


    no one else is like me

  • unfinished

    the pencil in my hand rolls across my scars

    from when I smashed the window in a rage

    two weeks ago, we’d laid beneath the bright stars;

    he said he’d love me until our old age.

  • Cordelia

    Cordelia was twenty-eight

    working and attending school

    when an unfair twist of fate

    halted her busy schedule


    as a waitress in Illinois