


15 years old



    You work all day non stop but you still have time for us, for dinner, for groceries, for school work, for graduations, honestly I don't know how you do it but that is why we have a special day of the year to celebrate all mothers everywhere.
  • The poor poor cat

    We all know you are old and that your time would come eventually, but we never new when. We where shocked at how you died, you would lay there not moving not blinking only breathing, breathing your last breaths. 
  • Really!?

    download (33).png
    "Well looks like this is the last time I will see you Fenway. Seance I am moving and you are my friends cat I cant take you with me."
    "Well that is a shame I will miss you"
  • The Day I Got Abducted

    The day I got abducted was the best day of my life, I had adventure, I met the most amazing warrior princess, and almost met death multiple times. Let me tell you about it. I was walking down a street to go to a movie when zap! pow!
  • My Dad

    My dad is coming for a visit, I cry a lot through out the days because I feel like if I trap my feelings inside until he comes I will explode, and won't stop crying all day. So yes I am truly excited that he is coming... TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!