


16 years old


  • Grateful

    I am grateful for my friends, my true friends. 
    I am grateful for switzerland, who has and will shelter my friends.
    I am grateful for family, the unbreakable tether between us.
  • My dog loves crossing guards

    My dog loves crossing guards, it's truly the funniest scene,
    whether she likes the badges or the smell of gasoline. 

    Whenever she sees them she will stop and wait,
    just the neon glow of their vest makes her little heart inflate.
  • phoenix fire

    blood red, tragedy. Yellow like the hope of us all. and orange- the in between. these are the colors it wears. 

    a bird, so graceful, a wisp in the sky

    sinking deeper into the smoke. 
  • The Girl Next Door

    Catherine watched the girl from afar. She gazed at her, confused as to why someone so fancy, so wealthy would come to their small town. Her breath fogged up the cold window and she peered through the smudged window at the young woman.
  • To The Bone

    She worked so hard. Dawn until Dusk, she would sit at that desk. I looked into her closed eyes, and her skin was like leather, stretched over a skull. Her smile lines were worn as they weren't excersised much.