


19 years old


  • Glass

    I am a girl made of glass
    and the world 
    likes to throw stones

    The world is very unkind
    so the fragile
    must live in constant fear

    I know I must change
    and become
    hardened like the world
  • Color

    Show me color
    show me light
    something that isn't
    black and white

    Make my eyes
    able to see
    a world that isn't 
    all extremes 

    Give me red
    give me blue
    show me that shades
    are possible too
  • Caged

    I am trapped in a cage
    that I built for myself
    out of fear
    out of failure
    out of insecurity
    Now I'm pleading for my freedom
    Why won't someone let me free?
    But I realize that my jailer
    is the one and only me
  • Missing: One Brain

    Has anybody seen my brain?
    I lost it during math
    It was so confused it ran away
    leaving havoc in its path

    I wonder where it is right now
    Its probably having fun
    Swimming in some ocean blue
    or bathing in the sun
  • My Laugh

    I am a girl 
    easily amused
    When something
    is even remotely funny 
    my laugh bubbles up 
    coming out in shrill bursts
    drowning out all other sound
    Heads turn to see 
    where the piercing noise