


19 years old


  • valentines flowers

    I want to apologize to valentines flowers.
    sprouted somewhere with sun and sky
    chopped into clumps and lugged into the snow
    I did find you a vase, clean and sturdy
    but you sit confused
    elbows leaning against the glass
  • something is happening

    the entire world is melting
    and the roads winter hid 
    are now rolling out in patterns under my car tires.
    they pull me towards the ditches,
    running with the blood of winter snow.

    the entire world is falling apart
  • something i wanted to share

    Fifth-grade recess was a time of discovery. All around me, the bustling playground broke into groups; it was war, and we were picking sides. The self-appointed cool kids walked around while the stragglers followed.
  • superpower

    I don't want to be invisible
    I already see too much
    I don't want to be telepathic
    I already know too much
    I don't want any money
    or clothes or pillows or goldfish
    it is hard enough to dust as it is.
  • Accent

    Please come sit at our table
    among our bland, overused voices
    so we can twist you between excited fingers
    and let you
          and spin
                and spin
    watching in amazement