


15 years old


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  • So, I can't be touched.

    I was in health class, and we were doing a group activity. In my group, there was a girl who had been teasing me the day before. I was weary of her, but decided to give her a second chance. I almost wish I hadn't.

  • I Love

    I love the way the light filters through trees

    and how the ocean sounds at night

    and my feet sinking into the earth

    and bird song at sunrise

    and how my name sounds on your breath

  • Soul-ly There

    The moment I open the door, the brisk fall air greets me. 

    I step into the aromas of nature.

     I recall the deep smell of pines in the winter.

  • January Is an Icicle

    The clock was frozen in amber, but now frost creeps up to crack the warm glow. The minute hand trembles, then moves in wistful whirls. The Christmas tree slumps, its shiny tears clinking against the wooden floor.

  • No, I am not ok

    "Am I ok?" 

    I whisper to myself, 

    In the mirror,

    A girl I don't recognize stares back.

    She looks as if she has been crying again,

    Her heart breaking into shards.

    She whispers back,

  • to see the universe

    the universe exists everywhere
    but it's hidden

    in every second of silence
    in every mindful moment

    only there can you see the wholeness of the world

    only when you step out of the city
    with its noise and smoke