
Welcome YWP Intern Alex!
YWP welcomes winter intern Alex Bregy of Bennington College. Alex is creating a series of online writing workshops under the banner, Wondrous Writers, over the next few weeks. Here's the first one in the series: Story Elements – Back to the Basics.
Hi! My name is Alex and I am the new winter intern for YWP! Currently, I am a junior at Bennington College, here in Vermont, studying creative writing and video production. My favorite genres to write are YA, middle grade, sci-fi, and realistic fiction. Sometimes I dabble in fantasy, poetry, and creative non-fiction, too. I also love to write essays, particularly about queer media and disability representation. Other than writing, I like to read, draw, and create videos/podcasts.
I am very excited to work with all of the lovely people here on YWP and read all of your amazing stories! And while I have taught my original writing workshop, The Wondrous Writers Workshop, to a few local groups of youth before, I am thrilled to offer an online version to all of you on YWP. Can’t wait to see all of the great work you do!
Alex's username on YWP is: alexbregy_ywp intern.