
Anthology 15 is here!
Anthology 15 cover art: "Ponder" by Vivien Sorce, YWP
CONGRATULATIONS to our 75 writers and artists who are published in Anthology 15!
The poetry, prose, paintings, and photographs of this beautiful book were selected from some 10,000 submissions to the YWP website during the 2023-24 school year.
To order copies by donation, click on the button below:
To view the web version of the anthology:
- Will Ameden
- Vivienne Audy
- Abigail Balon
- Grace Batsie
- Riley Bernatchy
- Zoe Bernstein
- Madeline Borowitz
- Patrick Brady
- Rachel Brassard
- Chloe Brown
- Scarlett Cannizzaro
- Alayna Cole
- Henley Cook
- Elise Cournoyer
- Evie Crowell
- Rory Cruise
- Molly Daniels
- Lucy Danto
- Alana DeFoor
- Chloe Deliso
- Rigney Deliso
- Lillie Dietzel
- Isabella C. Doubleday
- Siri Dunn
- Jaquira Earley
- Sawyer Fellows
- Amelia Foran
- Beatrice Garvin
- Isidora June Gibson
- Ursa Goldenrose
- Phoebe Gresham
- Gabby Griffith
- Kynzie Grogan
- Sophie Heidemann
- Eli Hoopengardner
- Isabella Huang
- Geri Kayingo
- Grace Kayingo
- Emily Kneeland
- Jordan Kramer
- Ace Lafountain
- Astrid Longstreth
- Judy Mao
- Lauren McCabe
- Abby McClone
- Sela Morgenstein Fuerst
- Wyatt Moyer
- Elie O’Brien
- Ava Olsaver
- Anna O’Reilly
- Yejun Park
- Ivy Pavick
- Samara Raiche
- Delfina Rejmankova
- Ava Rohrbaugh
- Myra Rocke
- Imogen Sangha
- Isla Segal
- Poppy Shattuck
- Ella Sherry
- Maelyn Slavik
- Ellicott Smith
- Vivien Sorce
- LerDer Star
- Kaley Sussmann
- Bradee Traverse
- Roma Vallabhaneni
- Amelia Van Driesche
- Grace Weinstein
- Gretchen Wertlieb
- Abigail Williams
- Hanning Yan
- Claire Zandstra
- Beatrice Ziobro
- Penelope Zygarowski
CONGRATULATIONS, EVERYONE! If your name is listed and you haven't received your copy of Anthology 15, please contact Susan Reid, YWP executive director, at, or message Reid@YWP on the site.
Special thanks for the publication of Anthology 15: