


11 years old



  • Hiding

    I'm tired of hiding 

    that I reside in the gay side of youtube. 

    I'm tired of hiding that I went to the GSA

    even though they didn't want me to. 

    I'm tired of deleting my search history. 

  • Glimpse

    It is a wandering 

    sort of day 

    (wandering mind 

    wandering feet 

    wandering eyes) 

    before I find the camera. 


    It looks old enough 

    that I wonder 

  • today

    today is yesterday’s tomorrow

    full of promises that linger as the sun emerges,

    a warm breeze colliding against

    the soft pillowy fabric of your curtains.

    today is yesterday’s tomorrow

  • Unbecoming

    The streets have teeth and we hold our fingers with enough space for the others and drink cider on a corner where the ceiling above us blinks blue-blue-blue onto her tonsil-pink dress and someday I hope I never have to see it in a suitca